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Our Sacred Six brings you our molecular mixologists’ favourite gin serves!
Sipsmith London Dry served with Fever Tree mediterranean tonic, garnished with a wedge of orange and lime
Portobello Road served with Fever Tree tonic and finished with a wedge of pink grapefruit – simple!
Alchemist Copperhead Gin, Rocks glass with 1724 Tonic with a couple drops of Energeticum Bitters (Guarana Berries bitters to give you energy) garnished with several orange peels through the drink.
Martin Millers Dry is absolutely fab with Fever Tree Indian tonic, strawberries and cracked black pepper.
The Botanist Gin always a double! Serve with 1724 tonic. Garnish: grapefruit zest mint spring rhubarb baton… sorted!
Miller Westbourne. Straight up. Shot glass.